Sunday, April 7, 2013


We watched The Pixar Story in class. Here are my observations:

Technology Influences Art
Technology changed the way that art was viewed.  It allowed for new art forms. They saw potential for new art when looking at new technology (Tron).  Eventually it ws possible to draw right into the computer.  Geometric shapes were used a lot because it was easier to do on computers.  Basically technology allowed for stories to be told with art that can't be told any other way.

Art Influences Technology
The artists would ask if new technology could be created to do what they wanted.  Specifically George Lucas want to do things after Star Wars so new software had to be created to make it possible.  The artists wanted to animate reality and they needed to find a way to do this with technology.  They needed technology for specific things and more powerful computers so they were made.  Basically the artists wanted to do something and a way to do it was found with new technology.

The Creation of Toy Story
Pixar's idea was a story from a toy's point of view, Disney funded this idea to be made into a movie.  Pixar wanted to make something different from what Disney did.  They got Tom Hanks for Woody and completed the storyboard. They showed Disney the storyboard and Disney said to shut production down.  Pixar, instead of shuting down, rewrote the script and made the movie the way they wanted to. Production was started back up  and Tim Allen was brought on as Buzz.  No one knew what the final product was going to  look like but it ended up great.  Toy Story paved a path for an animation industry.

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